I need a really interesting topic PLEASE HELP!?


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Hi, I need a really interesting topic, person country ANYTHING to talk about for roughly 3 mins. Please help me, it would be really great.
It would help if you told me for what and to who...just talk about maybe your favorite sports,a celebrity, favorite places to go,favorite sport teams, tv shows, politics, animals,enviorment, people, clothes,games, . Thats all i can think of hope i helped!
Situation between Iran and Israel

Who will be our next president

Should Cain drop out of the race

What you want for Christmas

The best thing you ever tasted

Where you'd go if you could be anywhere but here

World Aids Day (it's today)

Who you love and why

Your pet

Your family

Your hidden talent

Your juiciest secret
How about... MALCOLM X and the NATION OF ISLAM and their role in the african american civil rights movement... :D bXX