I need to know if this prophecy that was uttered over my life still stands?


New member
Dec 20, 2010
When I was in university I had a great body, was fairly good looking and charming... and a lot of guys were interested in dating me... I had no trouble getting boyfriends or friends...

And a prophet came up to me and he said

"you see all these people that are avoiding you right now and running away from you? They will be chasing after you later on."

well a year after that I turned away from God... now I am partially a Christian again but not the full fledged devotee I was in the past...

And right now, no guy wants to date me... even guys that are 20-30 years older than me think I'm too ugly and fat to date... everybody avoids me, looks down on me, secretly despises me...

I don't have a single friend... at church there is always an empty seat next to me because nobody wants to see me or sit next to me... sometimes there will be 8 people with cars and I will have to walk home because nobody wants to give me a ride

Nobody ever replies to my texts or e-mails... unless they are being watched by somebody that "matters"

I am 25 and when I ask people who old they think I am, most of them think i'm in high school... because of the way I act...

Do you think God will redeem my social status like the prophet told me he would?