I question to an Atheist, from a follower of Christ?


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I have a question for an Atheist.

I was wondering (Not trying to offend anyone) but I was thinking, and I would just like someone who was atheist to explain to me what their take is on these things are:

1. In Revelations the bible speaks about a mark that will be given to all either on their right hand or forehead.
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
How would Prophets 2,000 years ago who were before the time of computers, cars, electronics know that there would be a chip used to buy and sell???
Now my first question is, doesn't is strike you odd that every thing that the Bible said would happen in the end times is happening.
Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7); Haiti, Chile, illinois, Japan .....
Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each year
And now with the new health care plan stuff starting up, there is much to be said about the (V-Chip) and how it may be needed to help put all of our medical records in electronic files.
The V-Chip is inserted in your right hand. (Mark of the beast).
Revelation 16:2 tells us that a noisome, grievous sore befalls those who take the mark of the beast.
Revelation 16: 10, 11 tells us that they gnaw their tongues in pain from the sores
After the chip is inserted they keep saying that Oh and you may get a few sores but its just a reaction to the chip,
Now come on!
1. My second question is something i was thinking about while i was watching The Prince of Egypt.
My question is how does an Atheist explain how the Jewish people left Egypt without the wonders of God (parting the Sea etc)?
They didn't make themselves a whole bunch of boats, and they didn't shake hands with the Egyptians and say, Hey, seriously you guys we are tired, we can't work here anymore we're leaving. Egypt was one of the most powerful nations.
And there are sooo many more things that the Bible pin pointed that are happening how do you explain all of those.
Anyways those are my questions, and please no rude comments that are unnecessary.
Revelation was written in Greek,
since the Greeks didn't have numbers they
used letters to denote numerical value.
The numbers for six hundred and sixty six are
??? or SEX. It is man's number, for without he cannot come into existence, and the beast's number because allowed to run freely it causes problems such as over-breeding and severe perversity, and sex crimes.

Having on your forehead, means thinking about it, and on your hand(masturbation), can't sell or trade without it. Have you ever seen old people in Commercials trying to sell stuff, unless it's for diabettus or dentures, or Depends? Sex Sells.
Because Jesus is a patsy to sin on, Christians indulge in the nature of the Beast(excessive sex) that's why they have ED and impotence. If ya abuse it, ya lose it.
Seems like you lack the understanding of the origin of Christianity, and why Christianity gets its modified beliefs from Hellinistic religions of the Hellenistic era. That era was known for myth practices of Greek and Egyth.
Seems like you lack the understanding of the origin of Christianity, and why Christianity gets its modified beliefs from Hellinistic religions of the Hellenistic era. That era was known for myth practices of Greek and Egyth.
I think you are just inferring meaning from the passages. I could also do so in some interesting ways. Some of the bible has some historical accuracy, but it is also overlayed with myth. I actually heard there is a rare natural anomaly that allows for a passage across an area in the Red Sea. There was a time when people could cross the Bering Straight. Who knows, maybe it did happen? If it did, I am sure didn't happen like in the dramatic way it's often portrayed, with two walls of water on each side of the passing people.
Dude, you act like disease, earth quakes, tsunamis, thousands of dead fish and birds, climate change, war, and poverty are all new in 2011 this crap has be going on during the beginning of the first unrecorded civilization nothing new about.
Well, I studied the Bible academically, and you are reading some things into it that just aren't there. I also recall the Bible itself says not to do that. So, if you are going to modify the Bible to suit what you wish it said, why not just make something up as what atheists would say and not bother asking anyone else? I mean, it's not like you will accept any answer that doesn't agree with you as valid if you do that to your own holy book, right?
Revelation is a coded text about the times in which it was written. The beast is the emperor of Rome. It has no relevance to today.

There is no evidence that there was ever a large number of Jewish slaves in Egypt.
With all due respect, it seems to me that you are trying awfully hard to convince people like me who do not believe in the bible and who are not in the least impressed by anything you said. I wonder why theists quote the bible at us...

I also wonder if you aren't really trying to convince yourself. What do you care if we don't believe? Or is it necessary for you to have the whole world agree with you so that your own doubts about the existence of god will be eased?

Think about it.

Lady Morgana
Still and atheist
You're deluded by magical thinking.Mark=/=v chip.

There is no verifiable evidence of the Moses story.Don't you think an event that big might have been noticed by an historian or Pharaoh?The Egyptians were very good record keepers yet there are no records of the slaves(valuable assets) or events depicted in Exodus.
1. There is no V-Chip involved in health care. The V-Chip is a component of your television that allows you to program what shows it may display, based on the parental guidance ratings encoded in the program streams.

2. Just like the wild stories of visi9ons of the future, told in the Book of Revelation, the story of the escape of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt is a wild story. Completely fiction. The Egyptians did not use slaves to build the pyramids or other public works, The average citizen contributed their labor as a form of taxation and worship of their rulers as gods on Earth. You have been fooled into believing this fiction is history. Sorry about that.


John Popelish
Rev/Apoc is the text of a possible schizophrenic, I don't consider such a thing to be taken seriously. The author needed mental help, and so do the readers that believe in the nonsense he wrote down.
Well, I studied the Bible academically, and you are reading some things into it that just aren't there. I also recall the Bible itself says not to do that. So, if you are going to modify the Bible to suit what you wish it said, why not just make something up as what atheists would say and not bother asking anyone else? I mean, it's not like you will accept any answer that doesn't agree with you as valid if you do that to your own holy book, right?
Atheists probably do not like you talking about these kinds of things,but one day they will be sorry that they did not care.
How is the V-chip the mark of the beast? Where's the 666? Where is there evidence of the knowledge of computers? And even being as an Atheist there is no way in hell I'm allowing an unneeded man made object in my body. And that's not for any religious reason.

As for Jews making it out of Egypt, I know nothing on the spreading of Jewish beliefs, so I can't answer. Though I vaguely recall hearing or reading that to is no evidence of a bunch of Jew slaves escaping Egypt. But don't quote me on that.

So your argument fails to convince me of anything, except that you are a typical brainwashed Christian. Looking for things to prove the existence of the Bible, and not looking for things to prove whether the Bible is trust worthy or not.
There's no proof of your stories, and this whole chip thing is back from all the 2000 end time/scary NWO bs.

Sure that stuff might be true, but theres no evidence, just people talking. People want to believe stuff, so they look for ways to confirm it...so they look at the conclusions and try to find evidence. Science finds evidence then looks at the evidence, and then draws conclusions.

This has proven to be the best model for determining truth. That is what I don't believe in supernatural folklore.
The V-chip is a device that is installed in TV sets, which prevents the set from tuning into station that broadcast violent programs.
Where in blazes do you see it being put in the hand or forehead of people?

For the record, the number of AIDS related death is now going down, thanks to tri-therapy.

As for the leaving of Egypt, what proof is there that this even occurred?
Why would have they been prevented from leaving in the first place?
Whoever wrote the bible was free to write in any kind of made up fantasy. That is what all those 'wonders of god' (including the killing of all first born; what a merciful god he was, for he deliberately hardened Pharaoh's heart, so he could strike Egypt harder...)
Dude, you act like disease, earth quakes, tsunamis, thousands of dead fish and birds, climate change, war, and poverty are all new in 2011 this crap has be going on during the beginning of the first unrecorded civilization nothing new about.
Wind can cause the sea levels to drop thus parting the red sea. Don't believe me? Look it up.

The things that are happening now also happened back then. It scared people more then us because they didn't know why. They believed it was vengeance from a god and predicted that would happen in the future. Christians aren't the only ones who said and wrote these things. History and an exploration of many other religions and cultures will show you that is the case.