I recently had unprotected sex. I heard a rumor the girl may have HPV. I...


New member
Nov 11, 2008
...asked her and she said she didnt? The unprotected sex was 4 days ago.. I went in this morning and got tested for chlamydia and gonnorhea. I asked about HPV and they said there was no test. I understand there are no tests for men. About 2 days after the contact with the woman. A red mark appeared on the shaft of my penis. It is not blistering or itching. Now there is some dead skin on top of it. Could this be a genital wart? Or something else.. I am very worried and I know it's hard to give any quidance without a diagnosis. The nurse told me it was nothing, probably due to using soap.. WTF?
Oops, I meant give any guidance without seeing it or a picture.