I smoked 20 cigarettes 1 month ago..FAST 10 POINTS!?


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Now I remember I was with friends and smoked like 20 cigarettes in a day.Now I regret it and I promised I will never do it again.Do you think it will affect me in later life ?Also will I have feritility,lung,growth problems?Pls answers fast 10 points
I'm not a troll I was just concerned as I was really pissed off that day and I just couldn't stop.
If you don't smoke anymore you will be fine. Constant smoking is really what causes problems.

If you get lung cancer, it won't necessarily be because of that -- so even if that happens, don't blame one bad afternoon of cigs
If you don't smoke anymore you will be fine. Constant smoking is really what causes problems.

If you get lung cancer, it won't necessarily be because of that -- so even if that happens, don't blame one bad afternoon of cigs