I want to write a book can you help me with topic ideas?


Jul 21, 2008
I've always been pretty good at writing and I've written like some really good beginnings to stories but I never finish them sometimes I just put them down and don't pick it back up, or I just run out of ideas. I have a couple things I could write about but what kind of things do you like to read? How about topics for young adults and teens so like something with a storyline of a troubled kid or something. Oh yeah I'm only 17 so yeah. Well anything helps! Thanks!!:)
Sounds more like you want to have written a book.

Wait until you actually want to write one. Then write it.
Write a book about a kid who never finishes anything. Wait, a troubled kid who never finished high school and write about how it affected his/her life. How their future was affected by their past choices. They can be someone who made it or a bum, so many ideas you can run with. If you write about this, I want a copy, lol, but no for real I would like to see how it turned out..GOOD LUCK