If america is for freedom,then why is "gay" marriage still illegal in most places?


New member
Mar 9, 2009
If america is for freedom,then why is "gay" marriage still illegal in most places?

I thought the founding fathers made it really clear that everyone should be treated equally.
Yea, I think the idea of the founding fathers was lost long long ago. The golden rule was lost somewhere along the way too.

America is only 'free" to those who are in power. I know that is not truly accurate...but it certainly is how I feel.
sixth question about gay marriage. idk there are alot of christans that dont like gays. idk i hate christians now .eventhough my name is christian.but spelled difrently cause i aint american. i hope i can get married when i grow up to the man i luv.
The Fed Government is afraid to take on the issue claiming its a state issue! Also the US Supreme Court refuses to hear our cases!
Part of the way a lot of societies work is by convincing it's people that they have it good, this suppresses them and stops them from realising that they do not hold the power and are not receiving everything they deserve. This happens in many, many ways and at many different levels.
Who the hell told you America is for freedom? you must have confused it with the United Kingdom or Canada.