If I had no religion and I got in trouble for doing whatever I wanted to could I sue?


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Since technically I'd have no religion so them going against me doing whatever I want to do would be in a way against my freedom of religion? Since religion is partially made by people anyway? Just curious :p.
I see...
religion has nothing to do with law. If you break the law, you get the appropriate punishment. If you break a commandment (that isn't a law) nothing happens. So g'head and covet your neighbor's wife all you want.
Sue whom?

In any event, freedom of religion allows crackpots to believe whatever they will believe, but it does not allow them to act on those beliefs if they are in violation of the law. For example, you are welcome to believe that it is necessary to kill babies, but you are not free to act on that belief.