If right-wingers are all whining about taxes making it hard for small businesses?


Sep 18, 2008
Why are they ok with Americans being charged fees to use their money while businesses that sell them products are charged to accept their money above and beyond taxes?
KPK, debit cards are not credit cards. they are cards to use yoru money, in your account.
Wow bunch of stupid people on here toight.
Flags of our fathers, I can assure you I probably pay far more in taxes than you do but no sense in arguing with someone who has several alts and sits on the computer whining all day.
Well BKP if they aren't they probably would shut their traps and visit the link huh?
Curtis 1911, if you were half as intelligent and half as informed as you think you are, you would see that the link are the small businesses themselves that you claim to support.
confusion over, maybe you should learn to read.
sure Dr. Atari, and the same logic can apply to using cash to. If you don't like the fees start trading goats and chickens.
How many jobs would cease to exist by more people having more money to spend in the economy.
i guess the same logic could be applied to taxes huh?
Let's apply your logic to some other situations.

"If left-wingers are all whining about government regulation of people's activities in the bedroom, then why don't they oppose parents telling their children not to have sex?"

"If left-wingers are all whining about government regulation of free speech, then why don't they oppose television viewers being able to stop watching programs if they no longer like it?"

"If left-wingers are all whining about government regulation of freedom of the press, then why don't they oppose people who cancel their newspaper subscription?"

Do you see the pattern? Of course not. You're a liberal, which means that you can't understand basic human reason.
For all the whinning about how taxes on any business is bad,just remember that they pass those taxes on to the consumer.
Rising taxes on top of rising prices reduces the amount of money a consumer has to spend.
This forces the consumer to be more selective in his/her shopping and ultimately spending only on the essentials.
Merchants are charged a fee for customers using credit/debit cards,the merchants can do 1 of 2 things:
1. Pay the fees and not charge the fee to their customers.
2. Pass the charge on to the customer in the form of higher retail prices or at the time of purchase.
This second option is a business killer since the consumer will shop somewhere else where the merchant does not charge the fees to their customers.
If government at all levels lowered taxes,consumers would start spending money because they would have more money to spend.
Lower prices would help too,many items have a huge markup over the actual costs.
Cons are Nit Wits they can't answer a decent question if their life depended upon it .
And BTW this is an excellent question. As a former owner of a small business I know exactly what you mean.
You're an idiot, aren't you?

Businesses raise prices in ANY WAY, and they risk losing customers. It's called "competition".

You get your taxes raised, and you have nowhere to turn. It's called "the law".
Emu is partially right. not sure where he thinks he has some granted authority to claim anyone else is uneducated, but to be fair, when you are better educated, you will realize that right-wingers pander to monopolies, not small businesses.

But to be fair, it appears most of the right-wingers insulting you aren't even intelligent enough to comprehend your point.
Every man women and child in the united states owes 1 million dollars, who cares.
You can't get anymore American then that, it's called "free enterprise".
If you don't like swipe fees it is your CHOICE to find other means of transferring money.
They are providing a service, you don't have to use it!
Now if swipe fees are free, how many jobs do you think will be lost, how many businesses will cease to exist.
Do you see any liberals coming to your defense? I thought not, now ask yourself why. Numskull!
Hey, blu chr. A kool aide stand doesn't count.
If you are smart in how you use your money, you don't get charged for using it.
If I check out your link, maybe I will learn how to use my money better and not cost the business any more money than I need to.

But the key there is education. Taxes (including many government fees which are often really taxes in disguise) can not be avoided like the fees for the bank.

- - -

I checked out the site and it doesn't give much information. Do you have another link?
I never could understand liberal logic.

right-wingers hate taxes,
right-wingers like small business,
right-wingers like profit,
right-wingers like competition.

If you don't like swipe-fees, then pay with cash, or use your Visa Card, or go somewhere else.