If the first stimulus was supposed to fix our economy, why does Obama


New member
Aug 2, 2010
keep introducing more stimulus bills? http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9I2GF601&show_article=1

The "stimulus" bills never end with this guy, even though they never work.
Please tell me what you would do if you were Obama.

I see so much finger pointing with partisans, so much blame and never any solutions. Because I don't think they understand themselves, but it fits their idiology.

I hate the finger pointing, do nothing, gridlock creating, disrespectful and often hateful partisan politics.
The first stimulus bill indeed worked quite well to help save the economy from going completely in the tank. Oh you link breitbart.com as a source? Too funny.

How about checking out the article linked below from Bloomberg News that reports the most recent findings regarding the stimulus by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, you know, the agency that Republicans like to cite when they think it supports their position. The CBO analysis found that the stimulus legislation created about 3.3 million jobs in the LAST QUARTER alone. This goes along with their previous findings that the stimulus added at least 1.5 points to the GDP over the last several quarters thereby producing some GDP growth where it would have otherwise have been negative. Oh yeah, you won't hear about that at Breitbart or FOX News, I know. They don't deal in facts. But fear not, I have provided the link below.
The Stimulus was not a complete failure. It just didn't do all that we wanted it to do. It wasn't large enough.
Because they don't work, but they shovel money to Obama's strongest supporters, including the government service workers' union.
Because Bush dug the hole real deep. But the stimulus bills they do work.
