I'm depressed and suicidal?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I'm 20 years old and I live at home. I work part time and I enjoy my job because i work with children but it's the same old same old, I'm overweight and have binge eating disorder. ive been anorexic in the past and it's like i either binge or starve, ive tried to find a medium but i have a mental block...ive seen experts in mental health and they have sent me to do programs but i just get bad anxiety from it. I love my family and I don't have any friends. I enjoy being alone but i just feel sad all the time and i get anxious about small things....sometimes i wish i was more at peace but i get worked up over the world and People are so cruel....I just dont know what to do anymore, i could never kill myself because i respect my family too much to do that to them but i just want to fall asleep andlive in my dreams...