Im in the mood to watch a movie that is out on Dvd.. but I don't know what


New member
Aug 29, 2008
to watch... mind blocked? I am completly mind blocked on what to watch... I have a youth group movie night 3 times this week and I cant choose what to watch.. its girls week so we all like movies like
The house bunny
Mean girls
The last song
Friends with benefits
27 dresses
stuff like that you know? chick flicks with comedy in it
Im not a fan of the notebook and a walk to remmebr and stuff
but like cute couple movies sad ones and stuff
thanks :D
Princess Diaries
Sydney White
What a Girl Wants
10 Things I Hate About You
Ella Enchanted
Never Been Kissed
13 Going on 30
Letters from Juliet
50 First Dates
Hey Rachael! :D

Ok, so here are some romance/comedy movies that I like. I'm a 16 year old girl :)

10 Things I Hate About You
Dear John
Confessions Of A Shopaholic
How To Lose A guy In 10 Days (Highly reccomended!)
The Princess Bride
Did You Hear About The Morgans?
Chocolat (Johnny Depp...nough said! ;)
Kate And Leopold
PS I Love You
Sweet Home Alabama
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton
Bride Wars
A Cinderella Story
Sense And Sensibility
Killers (Action/Romance)
Titanic (Not really a comedy...but still a great movie!)
The Proposal (SO Funny!)
Letters To Juliet

I hope I could help you..and good luck!

