Interested in studying other religions. Conflict of interest in family?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I want to study other religions because they interest me. Both Buddhism and Hinduism. I didn't say I wanted to convert at all (Christianity), but I just like to be aware and fully conscious of everything. I feel if I tell my family this they will get upset with me.

I am a 25 year old woman who is moving back home in February to continue schooling in Art History..but my parents sometimes think I am younger and treat me like it. How can I make them understand..?
Thanks for the answers. And yes, Islam also. =)
Tell them to "cut the umbilical already", 25? They should allow you to both study other religions AND support you at their home it you really need it, they are your parents gawd dam it, if they don't like it, then maybe they should have thought about that before they had a kid right?

STILL, show them proper respect, they are your folks. You guys have a commandment. So tell them in a respectful way, arguments get childish and you loose their respect.
Most missionaries study other religions. Your family SHOULDN'T be against you studying them, your knowledge could be used to spread the Gospel to people of these religions. Your family should sit you down and have a talk to make sure that by doing this you don't fall astray.
actually, everyone in your family should be studying other religions so that their faith and understanding grows stronger. everyone just loves confusing the words "study" and "convert"

you're 25, so they can't stop you anyways.

have a nice day.
they wont understand unless you pay your own bills...
