Interesting Situation, Help Ladies, What Should I Do?


New member
Jul 3, 2010
Ok so I asked a question like this before, but now I have more information, so please read it all.

Theres this girl I know. Me and her are really really close. I like her and we flirt alot. About two weeks ago, she drunk texted me, she said "You're cuuuuuuuuuute :) ". I was drunk that night as well while hanging out with some friends, and I told her that I don't think her boyfriend would like her flirting so much with a wink. she said she loved me first in a joking way. I told her then she should switch from him to me in a funny way. next day she said "Mark! You're Baaaad! hahahaha"

Two days later she broke up with her boyfriend saying he treated her bad. We still flirt. I was her birthday party earlier while she was still with him, and her drunk brother who I barely know at all comes up to me and says "You should date my sister, do it man, you should."

Now my brother knows her younger sister and they talk about us. My brother came up to me and said "you should date her."

My friend has texted her before and told her to date me, and she told me this, and she jokes about us getting married. Which is usually a sign of only friends. Which is why I'm confused. We flirt every time we text, and whenever we're hanging out.

Girls: Would you text a platonic guy friend you know well saying "Hey Cutie ;) "
Would you sit on a guy friends lap and, how do i say this, rub your, you know, on his leg, moving around trying to get comfy. Would you rest your head on his chin and hold his hand very tightly at movies if he was just a friend? Would you even go alone with a guy friend to a movie and not consider it a date?

And now the new Information. Even though she told me that her ex boyfriend should "Be lucky he can even imagine" dating her, she got back together with him. She invited me to a party on Canada Day. She said it was at her friends house so I could stay over. Now she still flirts and confesses to me i'm very good looking. Then later I'm laying on a bed after the party and she's laying there too, and laying in a way in which my arm is in between her legs, she's wearing short shorts so i obviously took notice to this. I was supposed to sleep on the couch beside the bed so when she said "time to get on the couch", I jokingly said "oh well I think there's enough room in this bed for 3". Instead of laughing and saying no, She looked serious and went and got me a pillow to sleep on the bed. But then her friend called the middle, so, I was kinda bummed about that. She was being very flrity and hitting me with the pillow over her friend. But then she talks to her friend, saying that her boyfriend texted her saying he went streaking and talking about him and everything. Why would she get back together with him?

And a day later we're texting and I was joking about something and she told me that she takes things i say more serious than i think she does. Then she says she takes everything I say to heart, and i know it, and that i should take advantage of it.
i said, "Advantage? ha well can I have an example ;) ".
She said "You know what I mean!"

How should I approach this situation?