Internet Help! Unidentified Network and Local Access?


May 12, 2008
My computer is a Dell brand and it has Vista. I had this computer for quite a long time, about a year. Yesterday was when it started to give me problems. I just ran Spy Sweeper security to check if it had any malwares or anything and so while i was waiting I went on the internet. To my dismay the internet wasn't working and the words unidentified network and access: local popped up on my internet thingy. So I researched and researched and then there was this person who said this:

>>I was haveing the same problem "Access Local Only". I tried this and it worked

Click "Start"

Type "cmd" in the search box press "ctrl" + "shift" + "enter"

at the DOS Prompt type "netsh winsock reset" and hit enter

once completed after 30 seconds or so my "red X" on the internet connection was gone, I once again had Local and Internet Connection<<

After I hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter button my computer had a bluish color thingy for its background and then the screen had these weird bluish grayish zigzags. Someone help me! I have a bunch of homework including a powerpoint for my project! Ahhh I'm scared that I will have to start all over noooo..... someone help me please?
Some program is blocking you from the net do a system restor.
How to do a system restore?

Go to start.
Click search type system restore and choose a restore point when it was working fine.
Kinda like a time machiene.
If this dosesnt work contact ur service provider.
they will help u.
Some program is blocking you from the net do a system restor.
How to do a system restore?

Go to start.
Click search type system restore and choose a restore point when it was working fine.
Kinda like a time machiene.
If this dosesnt work contact ur service provider.
they will help u.
Some program is blocking you from the net do a system restor.
How to do a system restore?

Go to start.
Click search type system restore and choose a restore point when it was working fine.
Kinda like a time machiene.
If this dosesnt work contact ur service provider.
they will help u.