Is anyone else fed up with religion?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
It's like every other facebook status is a bible quote. For pete's sake, all religion is is hope.

How can there be so many people believing this propaganda after all of these years?
no then why are you here?? WE FOUND SOEMTHING just do not know him...consider praying
cuz He is real and saving millions..
watch your language! when you say "all religion is hope"

which should be - "ALL RELIGION IS DOPE"
If you're fed up with religion, why are you in a religion forum?

(And why, pray tell, are you expecting to find people fed up with religion in a religion forum?)
I'm not, and obviously many others aren't or they wouldn't be on this site. I believe in this "propaganda" 'cause I KNOW it's true...or at least my religion is. Sorry your's isn't!
Yeah, if we could just get rid of religion and simply have Jesus, that would be so great. After all, Jesus is all we need. He alone paid the price for our sins. Therefore, we do not have to go to that place after this life is over and instead we can have eternal life.