Is anyone going to watch the History Channel's special on Nostradamus tonight?

I didn't know it was even on until I saw your question. Thanks. I will watch it. Re: 2012. I don't know but I think things feel different. I often say there is so much horror, it feels like the end is coming.
I wanted to see that so bad, but I have to work tonight, I read a lot about the Mayans and the predictions of the end of the world in 2012, I really think "SOMETHING" will happen on Dec 21st 2012, maybe not the end of the world , but SOMETHING, I mean , the mayans have predicted every single eclipse, and full moon correctly for 3000 years after they were gone, why would they be wrong about this day? my personal opinion is that the reason the calendar will end, is because somehow we will figure out how to travel in time, so there will be no need for the conventional calendar any more. but that is just my guess!!
The world is supposed to have ended so many times before now. It's very easy to look back on a writing by a figure like Nostradamus and say it was a prophecy, but no one seems to figure it out beforehand. Only then will I buy what he says. In regards to the Mayan Calender, it does end in 2012, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world.