is bargaining costumary in greece? what specific things to buy there? also,


New member
Mar 18, 2009
orthodox churches? - is it considered ok to bargain in the athens area?
- what are the unique, greek specific things that would make good soveneirs *size is not an issue*
- are there many orthodox churches in athens? which is the largest? is it possible to but small (or any) icons of saints in the churches?
- is headwear required for the entrence of a female into the church?

thank you:)
Christophoros gave a great answer as usual - however I really don't think you need headgear in a normal Greek church in Athens! I would say - dress respectfully not tiny shorts. vest top and no bra! Remember when you are in Athens you are in a capital city and dress accordingly as you would in your capital city where you live! It's not an island so people dress up!

I really dislike people who try to get 'a better price' in my shop. I have considered making a notice 'If you want a 'better price' try a Chinese shop and don't ask me' or 'If the prices are any 'better' you will be paying the same as me and therefore the shop will close - which do you want. We are not the only shop in town!' Hubby was horrified when I suggested these signs.

Exceptions are Monastiraki market - you can haggle all you want there - believe me they are going to ask a huge amount at the first try! A good way of testing this is admiring a thing - then slowly walk away .... they'll shout you back if the want to haggle over a price.
1) No, it is considered rude to try to bargain; the price posted is the price you pay.
2) Koboloi is a very Greek item to purchase, plus maybe the evil eye wards
3) There are hundreds of orthodox churches in Athens, not sure which is the largest though. I've never seen a church selling items inside (which isn't to say it doesn't happen, just I've never seen it). There are plenty of regular stores that specialize in selling Orthodox paraphenelia, including icons
4) Headware is not required, but it's a considerate thing to do if you wish


Oh, Asimenia :) is right about the stores around Monastiraki. But I wouldn't try haggling outside of that area.
1) No, it is considered rude to try to bargain; the price posted is the price you pay.
2) Koboloi is a very Greek item to purchase, plus maybe the evil eye wards
3) There are hundreds of orthodox churches in Athens, not sure which is the largest though. I've never seen a church selling items inside (which isn't to say it doesn't happen, just I've never seen it). There are plenty of regular stores that specialize in selling Orthodox paraphenelia, including icons
4) Headware is not required, but it's a considerate thing to do if you wish


Oh, Asimenia :) is right about the stores around Monastiraki. But I wouldn't try haggling outside of that area.