Is Barry Bonds the biggest letdown baseball has ever seen?


Feb 19, 2008
The evidence is overwhelming. Nevermind the witnesses, his stats, both physical and factual are so grossly obvious. Who, at the age of 30, have feet that grow by 3 shoe sizes? Or a head size that increases by several inches? Or a shirt size that increases by 10 sizes, yes 10 sizes. He is hitting more homers per game at age 36 than EVER before. Doesn't the baseball commissioner find this odd? Or are they ( the owners, the commissioner and cronies) making so much money it just doesn't matter anymore?

What do you think?
I'm not sure letdown is the right word. I think Barry Bonds was always a talented player. But he is also a terrible human being who basically told the whole world that if they didn't like him, they could lick off his cream.

Did people know he took steroids? Of course they did. It's not a question of that. He's never actually been caught, so they can't do anything about it. The issue is the pure horror of baseball fans who see 755 as a superhuman achievement, accomplished by a man who was not only a model citizen, but also faced tremendous racial prejudice (and even received death threats) which served only to fuel his desire. Henry Aaron was a tremendous ballplayer and a tremendous man, and now his name has to sit forever in the record books below that of Barry Lamar Bonds. Kind of rubs you the wrong way, doesn't it?

I should temper this with the comment that steroid use can't make you good, they can only make you better. Jason Grimsley took steroids, but you don't hear his name being offered up for best pitcher ever. Bonds was destined for the Hall of Fame even before his steroid use. If Ken Griffey Jr. had taken steroids, he might have over 1000 home runs by now. That's the true crime here. It robs people like Griffey, Jim Thome, and Frank Thomas of true glory, because as great power hitters, they never had to consider an extra boost. Now their achievements are discounted as the 500 home run plateau is cheapened and the bar for immortality is set higher, thanks to the actions of Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa (just to name a few).
Maybe we should all take roids.

Bonds is a piece of crap who bathes in glory while cheating and is a jerk personally.
BTW is it not Hank, instead of Henry?
Henri was his birth name. And yes I agree that B Bonds WAS a great player, the fact that his arrogance has outweighed his honor just makes me sick!
i have yet to see a vial of testosterone hit a home run and even before the gear Barry was hitting home runs.

in short, Barry Bonds hit the home runs.

Yeah sure he was jacked but what US sportsman isnt? Roll with the times people, its only because of Barry's success that the media coverage of this has become such a sore spot, people forget the wide abuse of steroids in all sports.

How many olympic golds of any country was from a t-toal athlete?
Ignorance is bliss, everyone loves a champion, we are not in the 50's anymore where a level playing field if competed on.

Its a new sport in itself to beat the drugs tests, barry bonds has passed a number of tests himself... that says a fair amount.

*rolls eyes and sighs*
if i was getting stick left and right i would tell pretty much anyone who heckled me to kneel down and [enter something tastless here]

Shut up

I was responding in kind to comments below the origional post

In response to the origional post, how much money has the giants made on Bonds getting this record? everyone wants to see history made so ticket sales have gone up along with merchandise

ignorance is bliss
IIRC the best the Commissioners did was simply not show up for the game. Whoopie.
I agree completely with Sandus, great post.

The argument that 'everyone does it so its okay' is so utterly wrong and juvenile it defies logic. Beating steroids detecting tests is part of the sport now? Come on, that's idiotic.

Yes, other people take steroids too. Yes, Bonds has skill outside of the steroid enhancement but, that doesn't excuse what he's doing. He is taking the mantle of a record of physical achievement away from people that earned it without the illegal benefits. To add insult to that injury the title will go from one of the game's greatest statesmen to an absolute waste of a human being.

It pisses me off and I could not care less about baseball, I don't enjoy the game. But like anything else where someone tries to get over on others by stacking the deck in their favor, it cheapens their achievement to the point where it really doesn't exist in my opinion.

Enjoy your hollow victory Barry. While you sit in your big mansion all alone with your big head and wonder why no one gives a rat's ass about you.
That's exactly the point I was making Bulk, because of the huge amount of money being made here, integrity and respect for those that have come before has gone right out the window. He ( Barry Bonds) is an embarrassment to all baseball fans, well maybe not all. So tell me , do you 'juice'? Is that why you are defending this cheater?
Learn to debate like an adult or step out of the thread, pick your teddy off the floor too.
Just because someone has a different opinion than you it doesnt make their view idiotic...

I could say you were moronic and naieve for assuming that athletes long for steroids to be out of the sport... open your eyes, athletes in every sport want to be the best and i say a good % will do anything it takes to be the top of their game.

It is sad that they go to those lengths i agree but it happens and it will always happen.
You find a way to stop drugs in sports and you will be a very rich man, until then it is to be expected. Commisions and organisations do not speak up in public as they have no control over their athletes, it is impossible to test every athlete for every banned substance.

Athletes take advantage of this

No where did i say it was ok, i said merely that there are few in any sports field who are not at the top of their game and 100% playing by the rules.

Some people are not willing to open their eyes to the dark truth in sports/athletics.

I have much respect for the athletes who try to walk the straight and narrow but there are only so many bronze medals and 5th places a person can take in their career before wondering what they need to do to be numero uno.

It cheapens their achievement i agree, but when its all that you've ever wanted its the best feeling on earth.
i dont juice, i just find it amusing to see peoples views on it.
People only see the subject in black and white, while i do not condone barry bonds for juicing, i understand his reasons.

I know many friends do juice and their reasons for it... to be numero uno.

step outside the box, talk to a few athletes and you will understand why people go to such lengths
also, as a leaving note.... barry bonds will be forever known in baseball history.

Be it for the right or wrong reasons, the guy's name will be remembered for a long while.
Yeah mostly for being a bum. Hitler and Stalin were also well known for their dubious acts... that doesn't make them any more admirable either.
Just because someone garners media attention doesn't mean that they're somehow something to look up.
Control that 'roid rage there.

Perhaps we are talking across one another. I realize that there is wide steroid usage in professional (and college, even high school) sports. I was under the impression that you were saying that it is now a part of the sport, just as running patterns, batting practice, etc. ie. a normal and accepted part of training. As much as it is done I still don't see it ever being an 'accepted' practice.

Are people inside and outside of sports aware of it? I think so.

Does anyone inside or outside of sports respect or honor the achievements of those that are gained while 'enhanced'? I can't imagine anyone that would but, I am sure there are some that rationalize it as 'everyone's doing it so its an even playing field again'.

Call me naive but, I would think that most athletes that love their sport would like to see steroids and other illegal enhancers gone so that they didn't have to wonder if they lost to someone that's better than them or someone that had an unfair advantage.

I can imagine that people who have sacrificed so much in their life to train and compete at their sport would long to achieve glory in whatever form it may come. I can't imagine such a person truly being happy with their achievements if they knew it was done with the benefit of illegal enhancements. They may say its great to be on top but, they know they didn't really do it. The doubt will always be there. "Could I have done it without the juice?"

The answer is probably no or they wouldn't have turned to it to begin with. There's no happiness in that is there?

There shouldn't be that many people that set records in sports that's why the records are there. It takes hard work, training, sacrifice and skill.

Some people are born with it, some people can work towards it but, most will never achieve the ultimate status. Its a harsh reality that people can't deal with so instead they juice. Not everyone is cut out to be number one.
While I agree with Bulk in saying steroids have become a part of modern competition, I don't think it makes it right. Personally I would rather loose honestly than win erroneously. It's not like Barry's paycheck depended on this, he was already a great ball player before the drugs, no this is about personal greed, arrogance in it's ugliest form and total disrespect for the sport that made him a household name instead of two bit bouncer in some booze can! I for one would like to see his name at the BACK of the record book, along side the asterisk, somewhere after the lexicon...