Is blocking a punch with your elbows considered dirty in mma?


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Today I was at MMA practice, and i learned a technique that my dad showed me and it's pretty affective, you have to put both hands in front of your face with both your forearms and elbows closed together, it's kind of like playin Peek-a-Boo except theres a space between your face and your hands, and both forearms and elbows are together. So the only way your opponent has to land a punch is around your hands and arms. Because yoir hands are right in front of you. So it's more of a trap, when they swing around your hands to punch you, you lift your elbow up and it either hits their hand or elbow. So i used it today and it worked beautifully! But my coach got complaints from some of my partners while we were practicing. He told me not to do that because it hurts their hand, so he considers it a dirty move, Which that is the affect, so they can't punch hard. And i dominate them, But i told my dad he said it's way of blocking and it's totally clean. Now my dad learned it from one of his CoWorkers, my dad is in the FBI and they teach you that you do what ever it takes to not get hurt or hit. So it could be dirty but i'm not sure.... What do you think???
PS: I'm know in the gym for being a dirty fighter (foot stopper,(i step on their foot so they can't move and i go in for the kill) eye gouge, i slap their boddies with an open hand so it stings etc.)so even if i try to convince them they won't buy it, but i still would like to know.
I don't see what the problem is. IT's MMA, as long as you're not kicking them in the head when they're down, hitting them in the dick, or shoving your fingers in their eyes, really anything goes.

I get why they're pissed, b/c maybe they will hurt their hands. It's not illegal or anything though, so I'd recommend you do whatever you want.

EDIT: Wait, you eye gouge people? What the f*ck is wrong w/ you....