Is Church of Christ considered strict?


Active member
May 11, 2008
My parents and grandparents are both church of christ, but I am 16 and went once and left shaken in my faith, it seemed all you're all doomed, only through total abstination of any sin could you make it into heavy then goes on to talk about how it is impossible not to sin.

It wasn't a totally cold message but It was all about duty and obedience and debt owed the few times to give a example it wasn't that jesus died for our sins because he loved us it was he did so we should worship him small details but one I noticed. Also there was a huge emphisis on great sacrifice and giving money to the church.

All are churches like this or is church of christ just gloomy and strict?
I've been involved with, and am a very active member in the Church Of Christ all of my life. Maybe your congregation is not of the mainstream churches. Please don't let one group spoil your idea of the majority. Some congregations are "fire and brimstone" only. Some are "one cup communion" or "believe in wearing hats" or "no support for missionaries" or "no bible classes" or "non-association with other churches" and so on. Consider the other Churches of Christ in your area and just call one or two anonymously one day. Ask them. Tell them what's bothering you and what you need to know. Get a second opinion. Don't be afraid to ask. Don't let your age stop you. Know that God understands you and your reasoning. I've seen congregations in my area split and fall apart completely because of differences of opinions and beliefs, too harsh to follow respectively, or the ministers talking as such. The true Churches of Christ follow the New Testament teachings of Jesus, firmly, but not so drastically enough to cause descension or stumbling and question from it's members. You have good reason to question. Be strong! It's good that you have the courage to speak out as such. Keep your faith and hope in the right direction and know you're in my prayers!