is he interested or just being friendly?


Jun 7, 2008

so is this just being caring or is it a sign he is interested?

im 21 and i am doing teaching rounds at a local highschool. i finish next week.
there is a 27 year old music teacher at that school who always makes an effort to talk to me.
he is friendly to everyone though and really popular with staff and students.

today we had a school sports day. it started to rain really lightly.
we were all (about 10 or 15 of us) standing under a tent watching students run up to the finish line.

he came up to me (even though i was under cover) and touched the back of my jacket which has a hood. (he touched it for about 5 secs or something
he said 'you might need to use this soon if it keeps raining, u'll need to put it on'.

later in the day i was talking to him while i was waiting for someone else. he told me that he lives in the most expensive suburb in our city (it came up but he kind of threw it in).
i know he comes from a wealthy family but the school he teaches at is very poor (low socio economic)

he has also told me that 'we'd love to have you in class anytime' (in his specialised classes). even though i have completely different subject areas and two other supervisors to look after me.
