Is it more funny or sad that Republicans continue to harp on ONE Obama


New member
Dec 7, 2009
misstatement from before he was elected? Yes, yes, we know...he once said something about "57 states" in the middle of an exhausting campaign. Ha-ha-ha.

Now, compare to this:
I didn't here dat dere comment. I'm just sittin here clingen to mah guns and mah re-ligion, ya know?

Kevin Jennings
Van Jones
Bill Ayres
Tim Geithner
Eric Holdren
Rev Wright
Louis Farrakhan...
Cash For Clunkers
World Apology Tour
Typical White People
Special Olympics
Oprah Winfrey
Quadrupled Deficit
Record Unemployment

Obama is a total disgrace.
Au contraire, liberal pinhead... there are DOZENS to choose from...

For starters: transparency, no new taxes, bipartisanship, Van Jones, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, his economic disasters, foreign policy embarrassments and @ss kissing ... the list is large and my fingers hurt.

I think it is funny that Obama is the only one allowed to misspeak. Everyone else who misspeaks is either dumb or a liar.

I also think it is funny that you get so bent out of shape and upset when anyone brings it up. I would have thought you people would have a thicker skin after all of the nasty ugly shit you did to GWB for 8 yrs. Obama hasnt even been in office one year. How on earth will you ever make it through the next 3?