is it safe to smoke crack soon after tongue piercing?


New member
Jan 16, 2009
well i just got my tongue pierced yesterday i found out it is ok to smoke marijuana and ciggarettes aslong as i use mouthwash afterwards. i know its always unsafe to do drugs. but will it affect my tongue in any way?
no. if you just got the peircing, the smoke will get in there and inflammate and itll be bad. just wait till it toughens up inside the peircing and then ittll be fine.
I love how f*cking stupid people are, trying to tell you what to do and shit. HE F*CKING KNOWS CRACK IS BAD NOW SHUTUP.

Anyways, it should be fine. Just use the mouthwash right after.
If you're smoking crack, the least of your worries is an infected tongue piercing. Keep on being a winner man! I see many great things on your horizon.
dude, it will rot your tongue man. it happened to me before. it had to get an glossectomy, which means surgical removal of the tongue.
If you're smoking crack, the least of your worries is an infected tongue piercing. Keep on being a winner man! I see many great things on your horizon.
dude, it will rot your tongue man. it happened to me before. it had to get an glossectomy, which means surgical removal of the tongue.
you might get a hairy tounge from smoking and that could get into the hole, and if they say its okay then go ahead, BUT you may not want to right away even if you are addicted
you might get a hairy tounge from smoking and that could get into the hole, and if they say its okay then go ahead, BUT you may not want to right away even if you are addicted
I would answer this question by saying DO NOT SMOKE CRACK, if you do that an infected tongue will be the least of your worries. There is absolutely no benefit for you to use drugs at all. Seriously, the momentary high is not worth all the problems that come with it.
I would answer this question by saying DO NOT SMOKE CRACK, if you do that an infected tongue will be the least of your worries. There is absolutely no benefit for you to use drugs at all. Seriously, the momentary high is not worth all the problems that come with it.