Is it to late in the book for me to introduce the main characters father?


May 14, 2008
I have mentioned her father a couple of times but she hasn't had a conversation with him. He lives with her and her mother, but it's now chapter twelve when he is introduced, though it is only day three in the book. What do you think? Is it to late as he is quite a close link to her or is it okay?
If he's not important to the story, then it doesn't matter where you introduce him; in fact, if he has literally no part in the story whatsoever just say he's died or something before the novel, so you don't have to deal with building up characteristics of a really minor character. Then again, if he plays an important role in your novel, then I would say put him at chapter twelve, maybe have him do small talk with your MC right at the beginning before exiting and returning back to the story later on. Also Day 3 on chapter 12? Either there must be a lot of things happening in your MC's life or you've over-fleshed the story. However, if you can make it work like the Percy Jackson series where the story took place for a duration of a few days, then ok, go on ahead. Chapter 12 is not that late to introduce the MC's dad...

Hope this helps.
If anything, it may help your book! Since readers don't know much about the character they have probably forgotten him. Reveal some secrets about this character, it will only make it more interesting!
Ps. I love people who write their own books! I wish I had the patience to write one...><
If, for example, he works long hours then no it isn't too late. But if there's no reason to not have introduced him yet then yes I imagine it would be a little too late.