Is it true that talking on a cell/mobile phone for long periods of time can


New member
Mar 5, 2011
cause brain damage or cancer? ? Ive heard a few people say that it does - not sure if its a myth or not. But does it impact your brain in any way? By being on a mobile/cell phone a lot and holding it right next to your head when your on the phone?

The same could be said about the amount of radio waves (tv, radio, wifi etc) going through the air constantly couldnt it?

Thanks for your answers :)
Read this and decide for yourself...note risk factor, NOT, cause. I completely believe that's how I got brain cancer. Given it was on the corresponding side and angle I hold my phone.
The chances are so unlikely that it should just be classified as a myth. For some reason, people out there want us to be afraid of something that's not a danger. They say it could give you cancer because cell phones use RF (radio frequency) which is a form of radiation, but normally people who use cell phones their whole entire lives won't end up with any brain problems, or cancers at all. You really have nothing to be worried about, the media is just tying to scare you