Is it true the best airfighter in the world is the Swedish Saab Gripen?


Apr 29, 2008
Now if you put that up against an F-22,F-16,F-15 or a Eurofighter which would prevail in a dogfight.
Did i forget oops it is stealth
The typhoon (or eurofighter) is the only aircraft to date that can pull and sustain 9Gs constantly without the pilot dying!
So with the right pilot it should be the best!

The right pilot would be from the RAF!
Only the latest Mig stands any chance of tackling an F22. The latest F22 is stealthy, fast, and can lock on and fire missiles from farther away than most aircraft can even realize it is being targeted. The Saab wouldn't know what hit it.
Considering the fact that the Gripen is a 4.5 generation aircraft that came out in 1987, probably not. The F-22 is a 5th generation fighter aircraft. The Gripen is comparable to the F/A-18E Superhornet.
The dogfight is moot. Stealth and avionics are what matter. But the F22 thrust vectoring aids it, though its wings are rather flimsy.