Is it worth the money to buy Blue-ray? and other desktop hardware questions?


Active member
May 12, 2008
is it true that in order to use blue-ray, you need to have special software? i saw some reviews for blue-ray players on and saw a bunch of horror stories about the blue-rays not working because of software.

do i need a blue-ray reader? writer? burner? what are the differences?

is blue ray actually more common than regular dvd's in todays market?
Because if best buy / fry’s / newegg / amazon / netflix ect. Are all stoping normal dvd and making blue-ray, should I invest for an expensive drive?

I just want to use it normally, like put a dvd in the desktop to watch a movie, maybe burn a cd full of music from itunes ( not often at all ) mainly just putting a cd into the drive, to then put it onto itunes.

What drive would be best for the paragraph above?
It’s a desktop so I assume the drives are better for desktop than they are for laptop, but could someone give me a link to a well trusted blue-ray drive? I would prefer that the link would be to ( sorry, I don’t mean to be picky, I bought stuff from before and I trust them. I’ve had big problems with other online websites like

On a random note, im thinking of getting a gaming desktop from
Anyone have any build suggestions? Any info on if I should get 1333mhz or 1866mhz? would it actually be noticeable? I design flash games for fun on my laptop but I can’t because of the ram. The laptop has 4gb of 1066mhz, and the cpu is an amd dual core 2.0ghz which also maxes both cores out 100% usage and same with the ram

For the desktop I plan on getting 8gb because next year I am upgrading my flash game software to a newer version ( my version is about 3 years old, but I have a ton, of very detailed games. I assume that’s why it takes up the ram and cpu.

The idea is to get 8gb in total, but get 4 sticks each stick 2gb, so that I can fill all 4 dims? Is that what you call the ram slot? And would 1066 be sufficient? Or would I really notice a difference if I go to 1866 or 1600?

Is it worth it to raid 0,
3 ssd drives each 120gb and 6gb/s? currently my laptop has a 320gb 5400rpm hdd, correct me if im wrong but, I think that in raid 0, each drive gets 1/3 of the binary code, so the read and write speed gets faster? Not triple the speed but atleast 150 – 175%? Would that be about right? Can someone confirm that if I do raid 0, so each ssd has 1/3 the total data, that if one crashed, then I lose everything?

I know that I use 120gb of space on my laptop currently so I think that if I raid 0 then the 360gb would be enough? Am I right that in raid 0 you all the capacity of each drive together?

Do ssd drives really crash that often, compared to hdd drives?
Would I notice a difference in computer turn on time, and faster loading new maps, and portals while playing video games?
Is a single ssd noticeably faster than a 5400rpm hdd?
Are core i7 quad cores worth it? When the i7’s came out, the guy at bestbuy said not to buy it, that all I need is a dual core, so I bought this dual core laptop.

Do websites, internet, facebook, youtube, world of warcraft, editing software of various kinds. Actually utilize more than 2 cores now?

I looked at metro 2033, crisis 2, crisis, starcraft, wow, cod
I found that some of the really computer dependent games say atleast 3.0ghz for cpu, I don’t plan to play those games, but I do wanna try to future proof, atleast to run editing software and WoW on medium to high settings for a while. Do I need to go higher than 3.0?

Do I need 2x gpu? Which is better for desktop? 1 mid – high range nvidia card? 1 mid – high range ati card? 1 medium nvida? 1 medium ati? 2 cheap nvidia? 2 cheap ati? Im clueless about cards.
My budget, I would assume that since I want to try to future proof for 3 years, my budget is 3,000 – but that’s with a computer monitor, speakers, mouse, headset, paying for antivirus, so really I guess my budget for a pc is 2,000, that’s with case, fans, cpu, gpu, ssd / hdd, soundcard, mother board, power supply,