Is my iTouch 4th Gen broken?


May 15, 2008
I dropped my iTouch, and the whole screen cracked, and there was just a bright white light.. I turned it off and tried turning it back on and the same bright white light was still there.. I know you can replace the screen, but if i replace it will it be fixed? Or is the iTouch completely broken? i need some true help here please..
Reminder. I can't do ANYTHING. the whole screen stays white.
Hi there. I have an Ipod touch 4th gen as well. I am very sorry this happened. Depending on where you live, if an Apple store is nearby, an Apple specialist can help you. You have to go to apple support, click on store, select register for appointment, and bring your device in. My ipod touch showed the usb cord pointing to the itunes library. I learned from an Apple specialist it was attempting to restore itself. The employees there were very helpful. They are also available on line. They will try to see if they can fix it, but if not, they do have used or refurbished ones. I hope your device will be all right? Several summers ago I foolishly left my ipod nano in my pants and it went through the stinkin' washer! I was so upset! My mom put the nano in a bag of rice so any excess water could be soaked up. Luckily it still works today, but the screen does not light up anymore. Good luck, I hope they will be able to help you out!

I strongly advise you purchase a cover for your ipod touch. My parents bought a high quality one called OtterBox for me. It works very well! It is also waterproof, but only if you put the tab into place where the speaker and jack are located.
Unfortunately your iPod seems to be broken. I don't know if you bought insurance on it but you can bring it in and see if they can do anything. The problem is that they can fix the screen but I am not sure about the insides. My advice about if they can't fix it, then when or if you get a new on, get an otter box or speck. Otter boxes protect from falls and my mom ran over her phone with a car once on accident and had a speck on it. The screen was broken but the inside saved so she could replace the screen. Hope I helped!