Is my novel interesting? its on greek mythology?


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Okay before i start YES my characters are DEMIGODS NOO it's nothing like the PJ series trust me I haven't read them before
I'm pretty sure you ALL gotten ideas from things took it, Twist it, and made it yours! heres my plot
It's Jason Millers Birthday and he couldn't be any happier than to be spending it with His two best friends Skye and Titus On the beach. While they go get water Jason looks out into sea and see's that there is someone watching him (A water nymph) as he goes out into the sea closer to her. the nymph gets scared and leaves off. Jason gets stuck in a current and yanked into the middle of the ocean and there he see's Sea nymphs
So basically its about a "Lost" Son of Poseidon who has to help fight in the war against Oceanus and his Offsprings. Before he can offically start fighting his father gives him a special sword that he must learn to master by finding the nine sages who will teach him different ways to Fight with. once he find's the last one... the Underwater War will being between Poseidon and Oceanus. Subplot is Jason has always Loved Skye but suddenly starts crushing on Oceanus daughter Hallie when she switches to Poseidon's Kingdom.
?? Be honest and seriously it is 12:58 where i am please just be straight forward
Is it good?
Anything i need to add?
Anything i need to change?
1.) you have to have the gods playing a role, someone has to personally interfere with the protagonist
2.) you need a strong moral, or message to the story, not just about horny hotties chasing after each other

It sounds like some stories I've heard before merged into 1.

It can work.
demigods = percy jackson
son of poseidon = percy jackson (change to different god maybe)
special sword = percy jackson
Jason = the lost hero, also by rick riordian

try to put more twists to differentiate from percy jackson (one of my fave series btw)
good plot though, and good luck writing

And even if u tell people that u havent read percy jackson and didn't copy it, they'll still compare ur book to the series.
Percy Jackson is Poseidon demigod son....So..It may cause conflict against fans of PJ.

Also, I hope you publish it online because my sister is into greek mytho books aimed for teenagers. :D

You'll make her day for sure.
This really just sounds like your shoddy attempt at rewriting the Percy Jackson series, which you state in your opening paragraph that you have not read. I would say start over, try again.