Is Osama actually Obama? OMG LOL, he had a shave?


New member
May 2, 2011
Obama is Osama, they are saying he is dead but what really happened is he had a shave and is now the president of the United States. That explains why he is involved with hate preachers and Islamic groups.
Its only funny when there is truth in it, and there is a grain of truth in what you are saying, I hate to admit.

One reason Obama won the American election was due to mistaken name recognition, as Osama Bin Ladin was a household name and Obama sounds a lot like Osama.

If Osama Bin Ladin had run himself he'd have won too, because liberals and non citizens mostly voted for Obama due to the fact they hate capitolism and freedom . They want to quit working and reach into the pockets of those who do and live off their sweat, plus they want to scare everyone so they will submit to having their heinies fingered at airports to insure they didn't put a dynamite tampon up it.

Osama but ladin died years ago, probably in 2002 but he it has been useful to take away the freedom of frightened Americans to pretend he's been alive. Now that Obama needs some thign to distract the world of the fact we've killed innocent babies its just a fake distraction to say he is dead, but there is no body. Right.

He died in 2002 . Assassinated presdident, Mrs. Bhutto told the world he was dead years ago.

He has been useful also as an excuse to invade countries rich in minerals and oil. I love the concepts that America were founded on but hate what America has become: a colonizing nation with military bases all over the world with missiles pointing everywhere.
I cry when I think of how the slogan 'freedom' is twisted and how manipulated the minds of the average American has become.


Anyway, its almost certainly a lie that they just killed him and his body disappeared, just to cover up so people won't hear the real sad bad news that America and Nato have murdered 3 innocent babies while attempting to kill Ghadaffy who endorsed Obama initially

until he said later that Obama lied to Americans and didn't do as he promised he would, getting out of Iraq, and that Obama is behaving like a dictator, then Obama wanted to kill himn and is attempting to kill him, and has just murdered in cold blood ghadaffy's three innocent grandbabies.

Obama is a murderer, who has also put hits out on Americans with no trial for his suspecting they didn't support his policy.

for breaking every promise he made to Americans

As an American I shudder to think how my pompous fellow Americans would like it if nato bombs the white house and kills Michele and her daughters and misses Obama someday.

Farrahkhan, the leader of American Black Muslims, promises that day may come.On a radio interview in Chicago, Farrakhan recently offered Obama a warning not to attack Gadhafi:
I warn my brother do not let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world. … Why don't you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Gadhafi. You can't order him to step down and get out; who the hell do you think you are?
And that was just a month agol b4 Obama went in for the kill.