Is religion holding back society from social progress and change?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Science is the way to go in the 21st century.

21st century is all about secularism, less religion, more education, more science, progress, equality, freedom, fairness, and social revolutions!

No religion is on the rise.
If Jesus' reformist teachings were followed the world would be radically improved.How does no more war sound to you?
:close look:
It is true that atheism is becoming popular,just as the Bible predicted, as the world is prepared for the Anti-Christ.
Not necessarily.

We must not generalise - there are probably more enlightened religious folk than there are closed-hearted fundamentalist hypocrites, but the latter get more headlines because they are more entertaining, and easier to find fault with.

Secular society too can be just as mean-spirited, closed hearted and bigoted, concerned only for No.1 and to hell with the feelings or welfare of anyone else who may be different. Aren't bankers the ultimate progressives with less religion and more progress?

Human nature does not change much however religious or secular we are, and we must always be vigilant, even from who we thought in the past were our friends.

As a lifelong free-minded radical liberal, I found it a surreal experience that those who were violating democracy in the British Parliament last Tuesday were the ones spouting on about Equality, but only for their chosen people. Those who were not favoured could be called bigots and their arguments rubbished.

The so-called progressives put in a motion that had never been put to the electorate, never made it to a party policy document, had not even been announced by the Queen, and they allowed its supporters half an hour to speak and their opponents three minutes. Finally they were arguing for something that had long been accepted and refused to consider the only difference the motion was making was that it was changing the meaning of an English word offending many people while doing so. These people simply did not count, and most of those who voted didn't even bother to hear the debate.

Many of these behind this sham are my friends. One I helped get elected to Parliament in the first place, another is an old family friend, another is the only MP of the party I have supported since 1980. I found myself siding with the crusty old dinosaurs I have spent most of my life opposing.

No, don't imagine the secular progressives are any better, just because they give their religion another name. They are quite capable of driving people apart, especially men and women, and making them hate each other, and the second over-riding commandment of Christianity is to love one's neighbour as oneself.

If you want to do something worthwhile about religion, you could hold them to that.
Progress = Socialism

Change = Statism

Equality = Appeasing in our enemies

"Science" = Scaremongering for political gain

Education = State indoctrination

Less Christianity = 130 million dead under godless dictatorships.

No thanks.
Let me say this about that. Saddam Hussein looked at Hitler as his Idol. But he said he could never achieve what Hitler did because Hitler was able to eliminate religion. Once religion is gone, society is dead. And the leader is in complete control.
Yeah why would any one want to have morals where they are taught to treat each other right. God forbid.
Yes, but I think the main thing is the closed mindedness of this society, the media, the sports, keep us all distracted from the true problems.