Is stuffing made from 2 loafs of white bread, baked celery and onions, and three


New member
Nov 26, 2010
eggs good nutrition? I was just wondering if this stuffing is packed with vitamins or nutrients. I don't really mind if it's fattening but is it healthy to eat? It is baked for 5 hours along with the turkey, but separate from it.
White bread is a lot of simple carbs, which is not good for you. Celery has almost no nutrients. It's better than a stick of butter, but it doesn't add any nutrients.

Onions have some nutrients, and the eggs have some protein, but you're already getting far more protein than you need from the turkey.

There are worse things you could eat, but it is not good nutrition.

Enjoy the stuffing on thanksgiving, but don't make a habit of it.
Bread,vegetables and eggs are all good foods. Even if it were unhealthy most people only eat a small portion at irregular intervals so it wouldn't do much harm.
It's basically just like eating white bread. Not exactly "packed" with anything except carbs.