is the rumour of the world ending in 2012 bull or is it a possibility?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
well loads of people saying random stuff like we gonna get owned by a black hole, we gonna get owned by a meteor, we gonna get owned by chuck norris, we gonna get owned by steve jobs, we gonna get owned by the mayain calender (soz if wrong spelling) and loads of other myths but are any of them true and is it a possibility that the world will end in 2012 or the near future?
Now im no steven hawking, but from reading scientific works and my own minds thoughts after hours of thinking, i believe that every day there is a 50/50 chance that the world will end. But not from "planet x" or aliens. Pop culture has effected our thoughts so heavily. The whole theory started from a writer that needed a new contrversal, moneymaking book that has no scientific facts.
Hope i helped.
dunno.. its a possibility, but OH WAIT!!! lets not forget.. how much of the world was in panic because Y2K was going to cause computers to blast nuclear bombs and destroy the world, electricity black outs.. and just pandemonium.. but that didnt happen. we're supposed to believe its going to be the end of the world just because a calender ends? oh, ok... lets believe that then

2012? do i believe in it? NO.. its b.s :)
I honestly think it's bs. There have been plenty of times in the past when people have been certain that the world was going to end, but they have always been wrong. The bible says that nobody knows when the world will end. And if you're not into religion, I have recently heard that they have found more Mayan calenders that last awhile longer. While I'm not that that's entirely true, it does support my answer :). I wouldn't worry about the world ending, the facts just don't support that possibility. I believe that we will all get up the morning after the world is supposedly going to end and get on with our lives.
lol 'were gonna get owned by chuck norris' !!!
i think we are getting owned by steve jobs already everyone is hooked on apple products i just got my ipod and cant get off it! i mean im answering this question from it!!

anyway back to the question:

its not true. the only reason why the mayan calander ends at 21st december 2012 is.... because its made out of stones and they didnt have enough stones to finish making it!!
nice fact huh? plus its all drawn with symbols and stuff, maybe humans just dont get the symbols. take a look:

hope i helped!

ps when people say end of the world, they mean the end of human life. our extinction. not the world suddenly exploding or something. the world is always gonna be around, even if we arnt.