Is there a list of things Christians are ok with God doing just because they're...


New member
Sep 3, 2010
...afraid of going to Hell? I know they're cool with God drowning babies, God sending people to burn in hell for eternity because they didn't believe in Him, God permitting slavery, God not setting a standard age of consent, but what other things do Christians not care that God does?

What do you think that Christians would finally draw the line at, if they would.
?? God doesnt drown babies dude... now Gods word is Truth.. if he says the penalty for not believing in Him is to go and burn in hell for eternity, then thats whats going to happen.. you are going to hell if you dont except the fact that Jesus is Lord. Jesus came so we dont have to go to hell..
1) Is there a list of things Christians are ok with God doing just because they're afraid of going to Hell?

No list of such things that are OK *only* because some Christian is afraid of going to Hell.

2) What do you think that Christians would finally draw the line at, if they would.

An immoral act.

They don't draw a line. Drawing a line requires the ability to question reality and make your own decisions.