Is this Christian "holier than thou"?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Sooo I'm a Christian but I'm not a legalist and I try to maintain peace and love while setting a positive and righteous example (as much as possible)...but anyway, I have a friend who always tries to maintain the appearance of perfection. I have a toddler and she does too and I used the phrase "terrible two" once or twice around her, and she said once "You need to be careful what people confess about your children. I do not claim 'terrible two's' over my child"...I was also venting today about how stressful my day was because I have a 2 1/2 year old and a four month old that's teething!!! They were both off the chain today and I could cry. Anyway, she says "rejoice in ALL things"...I think she's quoting a Bible scripture idk....but what do you think of her approach? Do you think I'm being too negative, she's being too holier than thou or judgemental, or neither?