Isn't man's existence Gods great big sense of humor at work?


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Surely, with all the problems humans have (despite all the good things), is it too much to think that god placed us here as a big practical joke - assuming there is indeed a god? I mean, think about it: god would have known even before creating anyone that the devil would rebel and Adam would eat the apple. Still, he proceeded to create us and watch us suffer - even if for only this short life here.

Perhaps, too, we're just part of a big blob of protoplasm and there is no god nor any grand meaning!
@Viktor - if we're relatively microscopic (and can say we're not), we may very well be part of the atom of a protoplasmic substance.

As for me, I'm agnostic about all of this.
Yeah, eyeball eating parasites are really, really funny. So is ebola.

If the G-man exists, he's an a$$hole.
Haha! Of course you humans are a joke! That's what I told Eve when I fed here the fruit of knowledge, she though it'd be funny too.

But seriously I think you need to read up on your biology. protoplasm isn't something we're apart of. It's basically "what fills up" the cell, so we're partly made of it.
If you're not an atheist, you sound like you should be one. Get in our boat so we can one day become one nation over god.
I like to think of god as a 12 year old playing The Sims.
Why play by the rules when you can put us in house full of chairs and light the fireplace.
Nah. There is no god, and we are just a speck on a speck in a huge universe. Don't rate you little puny life or mine too highly.

No one is up there, and no god cares.