Israel Blockades Lebanon

But the real question is how do you support Lebanon which is doing absolutely nothing visible to stop Hezebolah which is committed to destroying Israel? The only thing I can think of is bribing the government for the capture of x number of members of Hezebolah. But would Lebanon even agree to such a thing? I would doubt it. So what are they left with?
Yes thats true. The Hezbollah fighters and the taliban fighters are not covered under the Geneva convention. But at the same level, american and allied forces are not protected either when they are captured. I'm not saying thats right or wrong, I think people of whatever background should be treated with respect whether or not we would be treated the same in return. But as far as having the rights and protections of the Geneva convention, no they are not covered.
No, not at all, but I think if they want to escalate the war, they should do it on their own and not rely on the US to provide them with arms or aid. For some reason never explained to me, the US seems to do whatever the Israeli's ask of them. What do they do for us?

My point of view is that Lebanon whines because Israel is doing what Lebanon SHOULD be doing, condemning the Hezbollah and kicking them in the ass to get them to go to Syria or Iran or wherever the heck they would go. The analogy would be (something similar said here) is; that someone is shooting at the police out of your basement window, the police tell you to get them outside and if you don't, they are going to come in and trash your house and do whatever it takes to get them out. If your too weak to make them leave, you know whats coming from the police.

Puhleeeze... look who is talking... the resident Count Chocula.
You're so busy putting words in everyones mouth that you forgot all the poop that is falling out your own. Same 'ol same 'ol.

Arabs believe this, Muslims believe that.....I hear these things a lot.

Now, there seems to be a lot of opinions on the Quran with regards to Jihad and so on, but hey that's OK.

So what about the Torah? there is a fundamental distinction between Jew and Non-Jew(Gentile) in the Jewish faith. Perhaps even an inherrent racism?

"You must utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, and show no mercy to them. You shall not make marriages with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons."

But of course Israel has a moral immunity and is beyond reproach.

There seems to be two Israels here...

The popular Americam myth of nice moderate peace loving Israelis

And the actual Israel.

A bit like the largely US funded IRA isn't it? (Yes I know, not government funded but largely funded by US donations nonetheless)

30 years of terrorism on UK shores.
So the UK should have flattened Eire?
Bombed Dublin suburbs perhaps?

Same logic eh?

Funny how you guys in the US stopped digging deep into your pockets for IRA bombs after 9/11????
lol, thats all speculation Gajah, if the IRA was being funded from the US we would have extradited those responsible under that groovy extradition treaty we've got going on...oh wait I forgot the UK is the only side under that treaty who have honoured it!
It's funny how new laws that allow the tracking of funds transfers can do that isn't it? The truth is, very few Americans knowingly funded the IRA. The majority of American money that went to them came thru front companies, set up by professional money launderers, that the average American did not know had ties to the IRA. What you're suggesting is the same thing as saying Amercians knowingly fund Al Qaeda because we buy gas from oil companies that in turn pay the Saudi gov't for the oil, who then use the money to fund Madrassas that in turn give money and support to Al Qaeda. While that is in fact how the money cycle travels, the average American does not conciously or willingly think about how much of his gas money is going to Al Qaeda as he happily pushes his debit card into the pump. The same cannont be said for the average supporter of Hezbollah and Hamas who knowingly and willingly provide support to those groups out of a sense of religious duty. However, the way the IRA was supported by certain communities through eyes and ears and logistics begins to approach the support Hezbollah enjoys from the "innocents" in the communities they control in southern Lebanon.
And what of the US citizens who knowingly fundraised for the IRA? Would the US government have turned a blind eye if Tornadoes had blitzed the Boston Suburbs? I think not.
The US gov't can and will arrest those involved. The same cannot be said of the Lebanese, as you yourself pointed out.
The US ignore the IRA fundraisers for decades, how many of them were brought to justice? I'd be interested to see the figures.
So would I. Here's what 30 seconds of Google gives you though: note the link to the table.
Oh c'mon, most IRA funds were collected in New York and Boston.

It is an irrefutable fact that most IRA funding from donations was by US citizens.

Noraid is an American funding operation for the IRA & that's that. Money that is(was?) collected in the US directly funded IRA bombs.

Make it as fluffy sounding as you like, but US citizens funded 30years of terrorism. Double standards indeed.

Anyway, answer the question. Should the British have bombed Ireland in the same way as Israel is bombing Lebanon?
directed to Gajah Silat -

you seem to be giving lots of high notions there, some sources you get your information from so I could do a bit of reading meself?
By the way, where did you get that biblical quote from? (Book, chapter, line. please)?
outta curiousity nothing else really, cause i know really not much about the ira...
No one said their money didn't come from the US. I'm saying that when I was sitting in the Irish pub in North Jersey in 1992, and the bartender said, "let's have a round for the boys" and everyone was expected to buy another drink, I and none of the people I was with had any idea what that was about at the time. People didn't go door to door collecting money in a can that said "Support the IRA". You'll also note, the US gov't used Noraid and their financial interests to strong-arm the IRA into disarmarment, albeit 30 years too late in my opinion.

But in answer to your question: sure. It wouldn't have bothered me any if you guys would've lit up a couple neighborhoods. What do I care? You have to do what you have to do to protect your citizens; that's your gov'ts job.
So what you're saying is: the current American president, GW Bush did something right by finally cracking down on these guys?
If the UK had bombed a Boston/NYC suburb, targeting IRA fundraisers what would the US' response have been?