Israel Blockades Lebanon

Democracy in action! Never play "Who wants to be a millionare" the ask the audience will throw you.
Well, sooner all the world than one born again alcoholic retard

If all the world told you jumping off a bridge is a bad idea & GWB said "the American government refuse condemn jumping off bridges", you'd all be jumping off without a second thought

This thread is getting quite ridiculous now
You know three jewish families, one of which left the country, and you know what type of experiences that a jewish family would have had when you were 10 years old?
I'll take the alcoholic retard over the effette snobbery of most Europeans any day.

But truth be told, I'm counting down the days until GW is finally out of the White House. His domestic policies are more liberal than many of his Democratic opponents and I just can't stand it anymore!
Ok, let's review: Everyone in the world thought appeasing Hitler would avoid a war; for a long while everyone thought slavery was a darn good idea; and there was a time when everyone in the world just knew the Earth was flat. Let's not also forget how everyone in the world knew Ronald Reagan was going to to start WWIII with his stance toward the Soviets, and last: no one in their right mind could actually think we descended from apes. (some people still dispute this. Of course some Europeans still don't think bathing every day is a good idea either, but hey)

The point here is that a tyranny of the majority is NOT democracy and the 'mainstream' isn't always right. If American foreign policy was decided by world opinion we'd still be wringing our hands over how we're all going to glow in the dark if we do something to ruffle the Soviets.
Every now and then I start to think that maybe you're not quite the inbred redneck that I first thought you were..... and then you post another little gem like this and prove me wrong.
Think if these were European or Jewish the Terrorist State that is Israel would be stopped from committing any more atrocities immediately, however they are not European or Jewish, they are Arabs and Muslims, therefore no one cares.

Arab Muslim lives are worthless whereas European, Jewish lives are of value

IMO the wholesale destruction of Lebanon and slaughter of innocent Civilians is some sort of revenge thing against the holocaust.
Yeah that’s right! Ever figured that I still know these people and converse with them on a regular basis, as I mentioned previously.
That's not true. People do care about innocent civilians getting killed, but politicians have their own agendas - just like Israel does and just like Hezbollah does.

If no-one cared about Muslim lives then we'd have all just stood by and done nothing to prevent 'ethnic cleansing' of the Muslim populations of Bosnia and Kosovo by Serbian guerillas. The reality was that the opposite was true.

European Jews? What about non-European Jews?

What a weird idea!
maybe because they were white.

thats my bad punctuation it should have European, Jews

not really,
So now it's down to colour, not religion! Well the Serbs are white too. But we sent troops to help Muslims against Christian Serbs. Your arguments don't make a lot of sense, I'm afraid.

I see. The same Europeans who persecuted the Jews for two thousand years?

If there had been no European persecution of the Jews then there would be no state of Israel today. (For example, notice how the start of the Zionist movement followed right on from the start of the pogroms in Russia. Coincidence?) Most European states might be sympathetic to Israel, but anti-semitism is still rife in many parts of Europe. I don't think that Jews can depend on the goodwill of Christians. Jews need to look out for themselves - hence the state of Israel. (As you may have noticed, I don't support a lot of things which the state of Israel does, but I can see why it is a necessity.)

If Israel wanted to take 'revenge' for the Holocaust then surely they would attack Germany? Surely the conflict with the Arabs is all about Israel's security NOW?
that would be logical, however this is an emotional reaction not a logical one, the conflict with Arabs is more about misguided revenge and bloodlust.
Aren't the Arabs fighting for their holy city and lands, after all they have lived there well before Israel came along. I'm sure they didn't have that much say in 1948
that history is long and complicated. if you want to go down that route we need to find the descendants of the Canaanites and give the land to them.
Well, it was last time I was there, but many Basques would disagree!

I sort of agree with this There does seem to be a kind of displacement of 'blame' directed at Muslims, though I think this is part of a greater persecution complex. Considering the history of persecution this is understandable.

I have spoken with many Israelis concerning this and have been consistently shocked at the vehemence towards their neighbours. If you have ever sat with a group of Israelis laughing and joking how "killing Palestinian children is just like putting down stray dogs" you would probably realise this.

Now this is based on personal experience, and before anyone starts banging the anti-semetic drum, I have heard many more similar comments. These are real words from real people.

Now, I am not saying these are views held by the majority, I have met many Israelis with contrary views who are equally appalled by this attitude.

What I am saying is I have personally met many Israelis who do hold views like this and openly express them.