Israel Blockades Lebanon

Then maybe those civilians should get involved by letting the Israelis know who the terrorists are and where they can be found instead of hiding them and their weapons.
Here, I agree with you. One of the Islamist criticisms is that US policy toward Muslim countries is patronizing and unfair. I think this criticism is valid and warranted. Our policies are neither consistent nor comprehensive. We oppose one dictator, while proping up another. Western countries have been doing this for hundreds of years now, but the US being the biggest and richest, is by far the most active in applying inconsistent policies around the globe. We need to decide what our policy is going to be on certain issues, Israeli recognition, Dictatorships, etc, and then apply that policy consistently. The Islamists still won't like it, but at least they won't be able to accurrately say we're unfair. Just being consistent in the application of our ideals to policy would cause much of the hate in the Muslim world to evaporate almost overnight.
Point taken, and to an extent I agree

However, I think you know quite well what would happen to those individuals that did. It's not as cut and dry as 'hey come hide your bombs in my house' is it? Most members of these groups aren't the sort of people your average civvy wants to get on the wrong side of.

I personally believe that the only way to defeat terrorist groups is by changing the public opinion of those that sympathise or support them.

In a perverse kind of way the IRA was defeated by 9/11, bombs just did not seem such a glamourous thing after that, world opinion was against them and hey presto! That, along with the Madrid bombings also had a profound effect on ETA.

I think the Muslim world seems to be becoming increasingly divided by these issues. There is a divide. Most Muslims find terrorism as abhorrent as anyone else, but there has been an increase in global sympathy towards some groups. However, Al Qaida, from my experience are becomming more and more distanced from the mainstream Islam. Or maybe I should say most normal Muslims abhor terrorism and want to distance themselves from it.

Problem is, I honestly think, Israels actions of late have set things back years, if not decades.
- What should Israel do to protect Israeli citizens? This is the point.

- Israel built a wall and 90% of suicide attacks stopped. You don't like that innocent people are caught up, suggest a better way for Israel that does not affect innocent Palestinans or Lebanese instead of just telling us how bad Israel is. You could probably start a defense company and make alot of money if you did come up with a way. The US, Britain and NATO forces would be interested for application in Iraq and Afganistan.

- Yes the US did not take terrorism seriously prior to 9/11. There was whole thread on 9/11 conspiracy theories in which I said just that. By the way, Muslim extremists were directly responsible, not Jews or the neo-cons.

- Yes the US supports countries that don't recognize Israel. I guess that because Jews and neo-cons don't control the US. Or the US is protecting their own interests that does not simply include Israel.
Brave Israeli Soldiers Continue you to kill Lebabese Civilians

Also Zionist Terrorists Forces are now attacking the Lebanese Army
and thanks to Blair for allowing the UK to be used for the shipment of Arms to Israel, we are now a bigger target than ever for another terrorist attack on the UK.
Oh come on... you don't really believe the BBC didn't put their politically correct spin fix in when they chose those two particular individuals for the show do you? If you really think they took the first Israeli and the first Palestinian off the street for their documentary, I've got a bridge to sell you cheap.
For starters, the legitimate military forces of soverign country cannot be "terrorist forces". Quit trying to water-down the verbage and confuse terms. Using the word this way says one of two things: either you don't understand what the word "terrorist" means, or you are intentionally misusing it in an effort to draw a moral equivalence between legitimate military forces and homicide bombers.

Second, where's your proof about those pictures? Some of us are still waiting. I suspect we'll be waiting until the end of time, but really, I don't want to hear anything out of you until you prove those pictures of the Hezbozos are fakes.
Yep, go cringe, wring your hands and pout because Tony Blair had the bad manners to do something that might upset an extremist terror group. If only we'd be nicer to them we could all be friends.
A law firm in Scotland are actually making a legal challenge to get the arms shipments stopped as it is in breach of international law.
Excellent, I think Ireland refused them permission.

It’s sad that Tony Blair collaborating with Zionist Killers and is aiding the Slaughter of Lebanese Children and UN Observers.
Your posts would seem more like points to be taken seriously if you would:

1. stop using 'buzz words'.

2. stop using random capital letters.

To be bluntly honest with you, these things make your posts look rather childish.
It was not on the BBC and neither was it a BBC program. But yeah, I am sure that whatever production company made the film/documentary, they would have added their spin on it. I was just pointing to the fact that the poster to whom I was replying was also bias.
I see no reason the recognized military of a country cannot be fact define the word terrorist in such a way that no countries military force has been one and I will give you a cookie....ok I admit I have no cookies but I would still like to see the definition.
You see similar things happen all of the time in the U.S, simply replace Hezbollah with your choice of gang/criminal group.

Many reasons involved as to why the civilians to not "turn" Hezbollah in, ranging from guns in their face to the belief that Israel is worse than Hezbollah.(Don't blame them, whose bombs are killing their children?)