Italians, or Canadians?

Italians have good food. Canadians have syrup...

Italians>Canadians any day.
Maybe you missed it, but we are discussing which is worst. No matter who is worse, you still lose...
They might have both contributed to the world's path.

But either way they both are annoying as fuck nowadays.
no no no, see in this case no one wins, only those who died befor the creation of the worst country. see, you would fall under what we in college would call the "I'm fucked no matter what" class. or in the words of Bob Dole "i just can't win"
Good job not reading what he said.

He never said Italians had a bigger mob.

Italians ftw.

Sorry for going off topic.

But for those saying there getting tattoos soon. This would be so much better.

(just made this on paint)

Italians are better because they have a cooler accent and they have little Italy in New York City and theres good restroants. Canadians don't do that cool stuff cuz all they eat is Caraboose burgers
Another Canada flaming thread? Wow, I haven't seen one on ST for a long time.

I've never been to either place but I'm just going to go with Italians. I like both types of people, though.
remember the thread the other night about the italian man that kidnapped his bitch and made her iron his clothes and do the dishes? that, my friends, is why italy pwnz
Ok, I am European Living in Canada, although i am not Italian i am Portugeuse, this is how i see it. Portugeuse>Canada>Italy. I am not being biased as Both my Aunts and half My Cousins are Italian, I just dont see what Is so great about Italians, yeah hot women, which Canada does better, and portugal does even better. Food, Canada and Italian food is good don't get me wrong but, I like Portugeuse food better.
BTW not all Canadians are French, and more than half the ones that do speak French it is becasue they are Bilingual.

But reffering to the Original I would have to say Canada.