ive started to dream frequently.. curious?


May 12, 2008
I've recently stopped smoking (marijuana, I don't smoke cigarettes). Its been about a month and now, I'm having dreams every night. sometimes I would wake up from a spooky dream then fall back asleep into another dream. Usually that never happens and ever since I was about 13 I havnt had a lot of dreams. Im curious do you think mj can have something to do with it? The first night I had a nightmare, woke up and then had a wonderful dream and the past 2 nights I've been having a dream I would expect to be in a book and they both fit together just different locations. Very curious though, I like to dream and its even better I can remeber them, its like a really interesting book in my head sometimes :D
Dreams are nothing more but dreams, yeah they can be awesome sometimes. You supposedly dream more if you sleep on your left hand side.