Japan Nuclear Disaster Update # 42: A River Runs Through It


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
In the beginning of the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis, in the hours and days after the earthquake and tsunami struck, nuclear power experts assured us that no matter how bad it seemed, nuclear material would stay in the reactors. It was unlikely that the reactors would melt down, and if they did melt down a little, that would be OK because the melted down stuff would stay within the reactor vessels. No problem. What actually happened, however, is that the nuclear material in three of the reactors totally melted down, and then melted through in perhaps two or three of the reactors, but at least, probably, did not reach "China Syndrome" levels of out-of-control.
What actually did happen, though, may have been worse. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...