Jehovah's Witnesses: I'm looking for a religion that has a decent batting...


New member
Feb 18, 2009
...average making predictions? Of course, you call them "Bible-based spiritual expectations." The Mormons have only a few success stories like predicting details about the civil war, 50 years before it started. I think the Seventh Day Adventists have one or two successful predictions (out of 100s).

The trouble is that mainstream religions like Catholics and Baptists don't prophecy and don't go around setting dates for the end of the world. So I'm left to search amongst the various cults and sects.

What does your religion have to offer? What is your batting average on making predictions? Can you tell me you're at least 30 percent correct?

Someone told me that you have a zero percent success rate and Wikipedia proves it. Is this an apostate lie?
Well don't look to Harold Camping's group or the JW's...they have an abysmal average with runners in scoring position.

I would say the JW's have struck out one too many times. Back to the Minors!