Jews, Muslims, etc. believe in God -- yet the atheists usually only dump on


May 13, 2008
Christians. Why is that? How come you atheists are so selective in whom you choose to target for ridicule?

If believing in God is so "deluded," why do most of you atheists only criticize Christians for it? How come you so often give the Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists a pass?

You atheists claim to be the champions of logical thought -- but such selective indignation is anything but logical.
False assumption: I think all religions and superstitions are equally unfounded

If I lived in a society where another religion was dominant, I'd criticise that just as much. As it is, where I live the christians have the most impact and therefore need to be pulled up.

And you'll also find that many atheists here are ex-christians, so they know that religion best
because the christians are so obnoxious with their religion and many people interpret the bibles in so many ways that people are just irritated because they change the meaning of the bible so much.

Jews and Muslims aren't as obnoxios as the christians with their religion
generally the jewish dont try to convert you.

muslims dont knock on your door asking if you have heard about muhammad

in short, christianity is the one that is currently trying to press into society.
Last time I checked, the UK was a Christian state, so targetting a religion which isn't saturated in the UK would be illogical.

Therefore, it's you Christians that are illogical, but then again, you believe in an invisible man that lives in the sky....
Because the Spirit that is in them hates to bow down to the Holy Spirit that lives within born again Christians. They hate the name of Jesus and those that profess that name. It is all recorded in the Bible, people will turn to false religion and turn from God in the end times. Islam is false religion that can not save the Atheists know this so they do not concern themselves with Islam.
Buddhists do not all believe in God (though many do).

Why not check your facts before you post?
In America, christians are the ones who try to mingle their fairy tale with government affairs, not jews or muslims.
Buddhists are agnostic and Jews went through a holocaust, and Muslims are getting pounded by Christians anyway.
False premise is false.
-Jews don't try to convert me night and day.
-Muslims don't message me about not accepting JC.
-Both groups are a minority in R&S.
I treat all three groups claims equally.