Lately I've been dieting very healthy, and have lost weight. Eating...


New member
Jan 27, 2009
...chicken, fruits, veggies, etc.? However, I have lost somewhat of an apetite, and now I kind of just crave cereal. Will I gain weight If i eat cereal for lunch once in a while? THANKS
Depends on the cereal. Also, use low-fat milk or almond milk (yummy! I use almond milk all the time, vanilla flavor - it's only 90 calories). Eat some cheerios or something healthy. Cereal even every day should be fine as long as you use the right milk and don't get the really sugary stuff.
Depends on the cereal. Also, use low-fat milk or almond milk (yummy! I use almond milk all the time, vanilla flavor - it's only 90 calories). Eat some cheerios or something healthy. Cereal even every day should be fine as long as you use the right milk and don't get the really sugary stuff.
Hun, it is not going to hurt you. Even skinny people splurge once in a while!!
As long as it is a healthy high fiber cereal and skim or 1% milk, you have nothing to worry about.

Also look into eggs and tuna. ?
while you are on this healthy diet, you should consider learning about nutrition and basic food science.

make sure that you try understanding labels on foods.
this includes the percentages and calories.

then understand the basic idea that you take in calories with eating.
you use the food for its nutrients and for energy. some calories are used for making the body function, some are stored as fats, some are used to run the external body (movement and exercise). and some are then excreted.

just know that 1 pound = 3500 calories.

basically, weight loss or weight gain is determined by how many calories you are taking in and how many calories are being used. if you take in more than you use, then you will gain. if you take in fewer calories than you use, then you will lose weight. it's that simple.

so just make sure that you eat a nutritional cereal. make sure it's not a sugary snack. you might as well get some fiber while you eat your cereal.
No, you will be fine.

Haven't you heard of the Special K diet? It is totally based on Special K cereal.
No this won't hurt you as log as it isn't in excess unless you are on atkins then you will gain about 10 lb.
good job on eating healthy and slimming down! =] yes that will be fine, just dont eat a huge enormous bowl of it and youre good.keep up the good work!
Not if you keep it to a minimum and work out as well... also the type of cereal has alot to do with it. Wheat will make you gain if you eat too much and aren't careful.
No this won't hurt you as log as it isn't in excess unless you are on atkins then you will gain about 10 lb.