MMA and TMA, is there really a differance?


New member
Nov 28, 2008
i was just listening to the the old argument of whats better mma or tma and i started to think about it. now being a practitioner in karate, arnis and bjj my natural bias is to that tma because i know they are tailord for life-protection not sport, but then again these arts have a lot of moves that assume ur opponent is average, not a well trained athelete, but then again it dosnt matter how athletic you are a kick to the knee disables the same. but then i thought, wait, MMA is obviously the best form of fighting in the existance of un-armed combat. this is because it is mixing of martial arts, combining what works into a system. now when im speaking of MMA im not talking about a boxer/wrestler strictly, im choosing to view MMA as any combination of arts into a effective fighting style. therefor wouldnt a eskrima fighter who wrestles be a MMA practitioner, or a Judoka who also dose silat. these are all life protection arts, yet are mixed to form a overall system.they are just TMAs used to compliment eachother and isnt that basically what MMA is?wouldt i to then be an MMA practioner? just a thought and was wondering what others thought on the matter