Monitor Not Being Detected?


New member
Dec 28, 2010
I have two monitors, one a 18 inch, and the other 24. For some reason when I unplug them or change a setting, the 24 inch one will go black, and stay like that, and my computer can't detect it at all, but the monitor can detect that it's being plugged into the computer. I know it's not my graphics card because I just replaced it today and it's doing it with the new one too.

And I also checked the pins on the connectors, all of them look fine.

I tried resetting my computer, nothing worked. It's like it works when it wants to.

Sometimes it will randomly go off, and come back on 10 or 20 minutes later.

And when I push the menu button the monitior it says "There is no signal coming from your computer.

The graphics card is NVidia, and one thing I did notice about the computer monitor is that on the connector, there's less pins then the 18 inch.

Anyone know what's wrong?