More of a rant really...?


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I really don't know who he thinks he is. Undervaluing--literally choosing his words quite carefully, of my day, to say exactly, "So... What have you done today that you couldn't get (your job) done?" Excuse me?

Well, let me just see here a moment. It could be because I'm lazy. I may sit around after our 1 month old's 12am, 3am, and 6am. Maybe I just laze about and do nothing after giving her a bath, changing her outfit she spits up on, and pumping every two hours for 15 to 20 minutes so I can keep a good milk supply up for her. How about the massive amount of dishes I do 3 to 4 times a day because we live with a grandmother who loves to cook but will NOT clean dishes come hell or high water? No? The bed gets made itself, I suppose. The laundry hops itself into the wash, then the dryer and then right on into the closet and dresser drawers when it's all done. It's like freakin' magic in this household! Like the carpet, for instance, it vacuums itself!

Did I mention my grandmother was off of work today? Mention that she was after me every flippin' 10 to 20 minutes to go somewhere or do something with her? Mention that she droned on and on about her stories at work? Mention that my ears bled from straining to listen and pretend I gave a damn while my baby screamed for food in her room while she just kept talking, and talking, and talking...?

By the way, your dinner didn't cook itself, now did it? I do believe I DID THAT FOR YOU. And then, when all is said and done, at the end of the night, when I've just put the baby down for bed and I am so tired, so worn out from having run all day--hardly coherent--what is it you want? You want sex. Even after I say "No. I'm tired. I don't even have an hour to sleep before she wakes up again." I flutter in and out of sleep while you pay no attention to what I've said or protests I make, and continue to grope me, to grind into my side anyway until I shut up and give you want you want--just to make you happy. Oh, no. Don't worry about what might make me the slightest bit happy, right at that very moment: SLEEP.

Last, but not least... If I mention any of this in my defense, I'm being "nasty to you." And I'm "moody," and I "have a problem with you." Well. That last bit may very well be true.

I had to let it out -somewhere.-
He could be a jerk. Or he could be telling you that he wants some of your attention and affection. For God's sake, give the man some. It won't kill you for 5 minutes.

I understand that it is hard because I just had our first child in June. He was colicky and whined all the time for couple of months. I had a serious case of postpartum depression and my husband wasn't able to take time off of work to stay home and help-not even for one day. I was completely overwhelmed.

But I remembered that my husband has the world on his shoulders as well. Just because he doesn't deal with the same kind of stress that I do everyday doesn't mean that he doesn't have any. He has to bring home enough money for both of us and now another person. And he doesn't get to have the joy that I get when my son smiles at me all day.

Read the Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. It helps.
Write exactly that in a letter and leave it for him. The biggest problem in relationships is that people fail to try to see a situation from the other person's perspective. I think he needs an eye-opener. He just doesn't realize. I deeply sympathize with you, by the way.
omg girl, my husband was the same way & i went through all the above, worked full time with a two year old & he was unemployed for a lonng time and never cleaned or anything & i was the terrible wife. grrrr