More Sci fi stuff in a jam?


Jun 4, 2008
Here is my story from a previous question- (slightly edited) it is the year 2125. Humans has conquered the solar system. Colonies of humans living on Neptune and Pluto, Saturn and Mars, to name a few. Humans have made several advances in the technological field, such has wormholes, hyperspace-enabled ships, and more. A wealthy man named Jason Blade is head of Blade Industrial, creator of these advances. One fateful day, robot armadas begin invading the solar system, using the aptly named "hyperdrive portal" (Blade's own creation). These robots, known as the A.R.E.S Armada, targeted the earth, to hopefully destroy the source of humanity. Humans retreated from their home solar system, to a planet called
Terralos; it was their only means of sanctuary. Blade saw this as a opportunity and created the N.E.X.U.S program, to train and genetically augument children, and when they're older, turn them into soldiers, don them with specialized suits and attempt to regain what was taken from them. Only a few survive this program, 4, to be exact, and they go on missions to tactically destroy the robots. However, prototypes of the suits got out, and people began to use them for their own reasons. More characters UNRELATED to these guys here would be nice, as well as suit abilities.
Fine by me if you can only give me abilities for these guys down here, but no new characters, whatever floats ur boat/

EXAMPLES of abilities- See Ceres's ability

Main protagonists
Alan 'Orion' Collins
Combat Role: Gunner

Vanessa 'Ceres' Abelson
Combat Role: Swordsman
Ability: Invisibility and EMP Shielding/Enhanced Trackers

Billy "Mars" Keifer
Combat Role: Heavy Gunner

Cole 'Juno' Garcia
Combat Role: Vehicle Specialist

Any help would be appreciated!!